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Nielsen Massey Peppermint Extract
Description: Peppermint, and its use in candy canes, ice creams and cookies, has long been a favorite of the holiday season, but its culinary uses don't have to end with the return of spring. Crafted from the finest mint oils under the strictest quality standards, our Pure Peppermint Extract is perfect for flavoring teas and complementing chocolate in cakes, icings and ice cream. And, for a refreshing delight, add to savory dishes such as pork, lamb and poultry.
This product is Kosher and Gluten-Free Certified as well as All-Natural, Allergen-Free and GMO-Free.
Ingredients: Alcohol, Peppermint Oil.
Ingredient Designations: Dairy Free,Gluten Free,Non%2DGMO,Peanut Free,Vegetarian,Wheat Free
Country: USA