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Viragi Polifemo DOP EVOO
Description: Italy, Sicily- Intense Fragrant and very pleasant with a deep and intense smell of green tomatoes, fresh cut grass (ie herbaceous), artichokes and a bold, but delightful, flavor of green ripe olives. High in polyphenols, a natural antioxidant.
Ideal for use with most Mediterranean-style cooked vegetables (in particular, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) or as a finishing topping on soups, pastas, grilled or roasted meats, grilled or carpaccio of tuna, and soft white cheeses, such as mozzarella, ricotta, and burrata.
Cultivar: 100% Monocultivar - Tonda Iblea Aroma: Medium Fruity Production Area:Chiaramonte Gulfi – Ragusa, Southeast Sicily, Italy / Average Altitude: 450 m above sea level D.O.P. (Denominazione Origine Protetta)
Country: Italy