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Charcuterie Board
Description: Create your own Charcuterie Board
Charcuterie Board
(Serves 10-15 people)
$195 (includes ($75 board)
Main Coarse Board
(Serves 20-30 people)
$300 (includes $135 board)
Entertainer Board
(Serves 30-50 people)
$400  (includes $170 board)
Charcuterie boards are a great way to put together an appetizer of delicious tasty food.
Let us help you Create your own Charcuterie Board like a Pro.  Simply select your favourites from the list below and let us create the magic.
Price includes VINCENZO'S Engraved Cutting Board.
Keep the board, or return it within 7 days for a refund of the board value.
Sept 2019
Allow Scheduled Delivery: Yes
Country: Canada