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Leverpresso - Non Pressurized Manual Espresso Maker

We've tried a lot of different manual espresso makers and often find that they either don't make very good espresso, or for the price you could buy an electric espresso machine that does just as good of a job with less hassle. Leverpresso is the perfect in between, making a true espresso without breaking the bank, and it's lightweight so you'll definitely want to take it with you when you're travelling.

Leverpresso is so easy to use thanks to an intuitive design with a portafilter basket that screws on and off just like inserting a portafilter into an espresso machine group head. The dual levers make it easier to maintain a consitent 9 bars of pressure, without as much effort as a single lever.

You can easily preheat Leverpresso while it's all together just by pouring in hot water and then pushing down the dual levers to empty it, so you won't burn yourself trying to insert hot metal pieces into place.

Leverpresso - a true portable lever espresso maker.

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