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A Taste of Canada

An array of favourite Canadian products - all "Made in Canada". Flavours from coast to coast are included in this array of Canada's best!

This Basket includes:

- Que Pasa Tortilla Chips

- Covered Bridge Ketchup Chips

- Turkey Hill Maple Cookies

- Barries Wheat Crackers

- Pacific Tomato SOup

- Snyders Maple Syrup

- Barries Asparagus Salsa

- Aunties Grove Jam

- Vincenzos Pasta & Sauce

- Rogers Canada Chocolate Bar

- Sea Change Pate


Displayed in a Large Vincenzos Wooden Crate retailed at $19.99


These Baskets are Pre made & ready to order! Place your Orders Through our website or if looking for customization call one of our gift basket designers at 519-741-1437 or by email at [email protected]




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